Hire Auto Scrubber Machine 400mm Electrical.

Not Hiring
exc GST
A$133.10 inc GST
SO DS.   Deliver to & Pick up from distination. Hire Equipment & Machinery in Large Size: SO DS.   Deliver to & Pick up from distination. Hire Equipment & Machinery in Large Size
SO DS.   Deliver to & Pick up from distination. Hire Equipment & Machinery in Large Size: SO DS.   Deliver to & Pick up from distination. Hire Equipment & Machinery in Large Size
  • Description


  Include       Returned
        [*]               [ ]          1: Poly Vac 1700E
        [*]               [ ]          1: Extension Cord 15Amp, 20m
        [*]               [ ]          1: Squeegee Off with Hose & Connection
        [*]               [ ]          1: Instalock Pad Holder 40cm (Item: PVS4013)
                                              Use on Only: Vinyl Floor, Sealed/Polish Concrete Floor
        [  ]               [ ]          1: Hard Nylon Brush 40cm (Item: PVS40B1) 
                                              Use on Only: Vinyl Floor, Sealed/Polish Concrete Floor
        [  ]               [ ]          1: Abrasive Brush 40cm (Item: PVS40A2)  "Sold Only" NOT for Hiring
                                              Use on: Concrete Floor
