Free Shipping, Out of Stock
exc GST
A$377.14 inc GST

PacVac Superpro 700 Vacuum Cleaner

M5 VBP PacVac Superpro 700 Vacuum Cleaner Back Pack, Pro Contractor
Battery Operating Vacuum
exc GST
A$942.87 inc GST

Superpro 700B Battery Powered Vacuum Cleaner Back Pack

M5 VBC Superpro 700B Battery Powered Vacuum Cleaner Back Pack PacVac
Out of Stock
exc GST
A$306.24 inc GST

Pacvac Thrift 650, 1300W, Flow Through Motor

M5 VBP Pacvac Thrift 650, 1300W, 240 Volts, Flow Through Motor, 4 stage, Hi-flow Filter, Model: VB650TH01A01