Hard Surface Cleaning



Click on appropriate icon to find out about list of chemical usage for it's purpose.

Find by Category List

In here you will find all cleaning chemical category list and usage in the area, degree of power and specialised list…

Find by Supplier Brand

We do in stock 6 major cleaning chemical brand such as Agar, Aqua Seal, GB, Enzyme, Research, Tasman…

Find by Application Use

If you know the job and want to find the chemical to use for specific task in below link you can find your way through…

Ammodet 20 Liters AGAR

C1 A Ammodet 20 LIT AGAR MSDS A02

Ammodet 5 Liters Agar

C1 A Ammodet 5Lit Agar MSDS A02

Autobrite 20 Liters AGAR

C1 A Autobrite 20 Lit AGAR MSDS A06

Autobrite 5 Liters AGAR

C1 A Autobrite 5 Lit AGAR MSDS A06

Beer Line Cleaner Part 1 AGAR 5 Liter

C1 A Beer Line Cleaner Part 1 AGAR 5 Lit MSDS A09

Beer Line Cleaner Part 2 AGAR 5 Liter

C1 A Beer Line Cleaner Part 2 AGAR 5 Lit MSDS A09

Chloradet 20 Lit AGAR

C1 A Chloradet 20 Lit AGAR MSDS A16

Chloradet 5 Lit AGAR

C1 A Chloradet 5 Lit AGAR MSDS A16

Fast Glass 20 Liters AGAR

C1 A Fast Glass 20 Lit AGAR MSDS A25

Fast Glass 5 Liters AGAR

C1 A Fast Glass 5 Lit AGAR MSDS A25

Flash-Dry 20 Liters AGAR

C1 A Flash-Dry 20 Lit AGAR

Flash-Dry 5 Liters AGAR

C1 A Flash-Dry 5 Lit AGAR

Graffiti Remover 1 Liter AGAR

C1 A Graffiti Remover 1 Lit AGAR MSDS A06 B

Once Off 5 Lit Agar

C1 A Once Off 5 Lit Agar MSDS, Alkaline

PH-7 20 Lit AGAR

C1 A PH-7 20 Lit AGAR

PH-7 5 Lit Agar

C1 A PH-7 5 Lit Agar MSDS A19 B

Spray Buff 5 Lit AGAR

C1 A Spray Buff 5 Lit AGAR MSDS A01 C

Timber Coat 5 Lit Sealer Agar

C1 A Timber Coat 5 Lit Sealer Agar

Timbertech 5 Lit Agar

C1 A Timbertech 5 Lit Agar

Deep Clean Pro 2 Kg Aqua-Seal

C1 AS Deep Clean Pro 2Kg & 4Lit Aqua-Seal Part 1 & 2, Commercial Strength Cleaner & Degreaser

Eff-Ective 1 Lit Aqua-Seal

C1 AS Eff-Ective 1 Lit Aqua-Seal, Grout & Bricks Salt Remover & Protector

Eff-Ective 4 Lit Aqua-Seal

C1 AS Eff-Ective 4 Lit Aqua-Seal, Grout & Bricks Salt Remover & Protector

Haze Away 1 Lit Aqua-Seal, Remove Haze from Tiles

C1 AS Haze Away 1 Lit Aqua-Seal, Remove Haze from Tiles

Haze Away 4 Lit Aqua-Seal, Remove Haze from Tiles

C1 AS Haze Away 4 Lit Aqua-Seal, Remove Haze from Tiles

OxiTreat HD 4 Lit Aqua-Seal Heavy Duty Acid Treatment

C1 AS OxiTreat HD 4Lit Aqua-Seal Heavy Duty Acid Treatment

Find by Category List

In here you will find all cleaning chemical category list and usage in the area, degree of power and specialised list…

Find by Supplier Brand

We do in stock 6 major cleaning chemical brand such as Agar, Aqua Seal, GB, Enzyme, Research, Tasman…

Find by Application Use

If you know the job and want to find the chemical to use for specific task in below link you can find your way through…

Hard Surface Professional Cleaning Including: Floor, Wall, Equipment, Window