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Occupational Health and Safety Policy
We are committed to providing, promoting and maintaining a working environment that involves consultation with all
employees and minimises the risk to health, safety and welfare of our employees and equally of the public in the
environment in which we work. The delivery of this policy shall be through a systematic approach to hazard
identification, risk assessment and risk control at the workplace.
Monitoring the Workplace
The key indicators for workplace monitoring for health and safety are:
Hazard identification, assessment and control system
Quarterly safety audits and workplace inspections
Strategy for regular on site consultation and communication with employees and other
stakeholders including a company representative to ensure employee and environment safety
Employee competence managed through the company Training Plan
Quarterly review of equipment, chemicals and consumables as fit for purpose
Health Monitoring
Our health monitoring program in place ensures:
Employee selection program including security and health checks
No Smoking policy and active support of the Quit Program
Option of influenza vaccination in winter
Drug and Alcohol policy in support of a drug and alcohol free working environment
Communication Strategy
Communication and consultation is a critical requirement for effective workplace management and also a regulatory
requirement under the ONH&S Act 2004.
A monthly meeting between the Manager, Supervisor, Health and Safety Representative and a company
representative shall be undertaken to:
Review current safety and quality of work
Identify new hazards
Review the effectiveness of controls of current hazards